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Get Queue Watchdog notifications

Once you've set up Watchdogs, you can enjoy notifications.

Receive alerts for multiple recipients by distributing them uniquely via email or directly to Role Centers. This personalized approach ensures that each team member is equipped with the information most relevant to their role.

Receive Email notifications

Email notifications are sent immediately when a tracked event occurs. The body of the email includes information identifying the BC environment and the company where the alert was generated, as well as information about the job queue entry that triggered the alert, along with the contents of the message in case of an error.

With a link to the job queue entry, you can take action directly from the email.


Receive Role Center notifications

Notifications on the Role Center are tagged with the date and time of occurrence, and are sorted by date-time.

Within the Role Center notification, you have the capability to address errors by restarting the job queue entry, navigate directly to the job queue entry card for detailed insights, or dismiss the notification for a cleaner interface.
